A little about us

Here at Big Sexy Motorsports, located in Summervile, SC, we are changing the outlook people have on hotrod shops. We do what we say we are going to do and do it in a timely fashion. Not only because my name is on the line but also because it's the right thing to do. It's easy to say you are going to do something but much harder to actually do it and that's what we do. We have built 1000hp cars that can be driven cross-country to simple street cars that make 400hp and function as if they came from the factory that way.

One thing about this industry is that some people promise that they can do it all; we know we cannot. For example, if you simply want a paint job we aren't who you need, but we can point you in the right direction. We do not have customers' cars sitting all over the place waiting to be worked on- that's not our style. We have cars come as we need them to get the work done. If you have a project that you need assistance with, please reach out to see if it's something we're interested in doing. Worst case scenario we become friends, and you invite me over for a barbecue!